
أول عملية زرع ناجحة لقلب خنزير معدل وراثيًا إلى إنسان

نجح الأطباء والعلماء في كلية الطب بجامعة ماريلاند في زرع قلب من خنزير معدل وراثيًا (GEP) في مريض بالغ مصاب بمرض قلبي في مراحله الأخيرة. كانت هذه الجراحة هي الخيار الوحيد المتبقي للمريض للبقاء على قيد الحياة بعد أن تبين أنه غير مؤهل لعملية الزرع التقليدية. المريض في حالة جيدة بعد ثلاثة أيام من العملية.  

This is the first time that a genetically-engineered animal قلب has functioned like a الانسان قلب without immediate rejection by the body. 

Xenotransplants (i.e., organ transplant from animal to الانسان) were first tried in the 1980s, but were largely abandoned due to the immune system’s rejection of the foreign قلب however pig قلب valves have been used successfully for replacing valves in البشر

In this case, the donor خنزير had been genetically modified to avoid rejection. A total of ten gene edits were made in the donor pig – three genes responsible for rapid rejection of خنزير organs by الانسان were deleted, six الانسان genes responsible for immune acceptance of the pig قلب were inserted in the genome of the donor pig and one additional gene in the pig responsible for excessive growth of the قلب tissue was removed.  

This surgery is very significant because this brings us one step closer to solving the organ shortage crisis through use of genetically engineered animal donors to avoid immune rejection by the الانسان مستلم.  



University of Maryland School of Medicine. News – University of Maryland School of Medicine Faculty Scientists and Clinicians Perform Historic First Successful Transplant of Porcine Heart into Adult الانسان with End-Stage Heart Disease. Posted January 10, 2022. Available at https://www.medschool.umaryland.edu/news/2022/University-of-Maryland-School-of-Medicine-Faculty-Scientists-and-Clinicians-Perform-Historic-First-Successful-Transplant-of-Porcine-Heart-into-Adult-Human-with-End-Stage-Heart-Disease.html  


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