
أبيل 2384: التطور الجديد في قصة اندماج مجموعتين من المجرات

X-ray and راديو observation of Galaxy system Abell 2384 reveals collision of two Galaxy clusters that travelled through each other forming a binodal system with a bridge of superhot gas between two cluster lobes and a bend in the bridge due to powerful jet of hot gas shooting away from a super heavy الثقب الأسود in the centre of a Galaxy في الكتلة.

To put the whole thing in a perspective, the earth along with other الكواكب and their satellites are part of the ‘stellar system’ of a called sun. Each may have such a system comprising of bodies تدور حول them. Large number of النجوم bound together by gravity form a celestial entity called Galaxy. For example, our solar system is part of a Galaxy called ‘milky way’ which alone has about 100 thousand million النجوم, each with their own stellar system. Hundreds of galaxies bound together by gravitational field form what we call ‘Galaxy cluster’.

'Galaxy clusters’ are the largest objects in the الكون, each comprising of hundreds of galaxies together with vast amount of super-hot gas cloud and large amount of dark matter. The interspersed superhot (30 – 100 million degrees Celsius) gas cloud is invisible to optical telescope but emits x-rays observable by the x-ray telescope. The dark matter does not emit, absorb or reflect any electro-magnetic radiation hence is not observable by any kind of telescope, but only by their gravitational interaction with the ‘white’ matter.

Several hundred million years ago, at a distance of about 1.2 billion light years away from us, two Galaxy clusters collided and travelled through each other forming a merger-like system called Abell 2384 or A2384. Located in the constellation capricornus (one of the constellations of Zodiac and is known as ‘goat horn’), Abell 2384 is about 17 million light years across in size with two unequal cluster lobes connected by a three million light-year long bridge of hot gas.

علماء الفلك حصلوا على عرض مركب مفصل لهذا Galaxy نظام المجموعات أبيل 2384 باستخدام بيانات متعددة الأطوال الموجية من ثلاثة أنواع مختلفة من المصادر المذكورة أدناه:

1. الأزرق: بيانات الأشعة السينية من مرصد شاندرا للأشعة السينية (الأشعة السينية الفضاء telescope launched by وكالة ناسا in 1999) and XMM-Newton (X-ray الفضاء observatory launched by the European Space Agency in 1999).

2. أرجواني: راديو data from provided by Giant Metre-wave Radio Telescope (GMRT), India.

3. Yellow: Optical data from Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) by الفضاء Telescope Science Institute.

The x-ray data obtained from the الفضاء observatories revealed high-density region extended between the two cluster heads corresponding to the unique hot gas bridge. Radio observation indicated x-ray-radio interaction at the cluster outskirts indicative of a peculiar radio galaxy. The conclusion is that of a powerful jet shooting away from a supermassive الثقب الأسود in the centre of a galaxy within the galaxy cluster leading to bend in the shape of the gas bridge.

هذه الدراسة مهمة لتطوير قاعدة المعرفة حول النمو ومسار اندماج المجرة clusters in the الكون. Simulation suggests that the north and south clusters in the system Abell 2384 will eventually merge together with each other.



1. الفضاء المتحد في أوروبا (وكالة الفضاء الأوروبية) 2020. جسر منحني بين مجموعتين من المجرات. بعد 11 مايو 2020. متاح على الإنترنت على http://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/A_bent_bridge_between_two_galaxy_clusters تم الوصول إليه في 13 مايو 2020.

2. مرصد شاندرا للأشعة السينية (ناسا) 2020. أبيل 2384: ثني الجسر بين مجموعتين من المجرات. تاريخ الإصدار: 11 مايو 2020. متاح على الإنترنت على https://chandra.si.edu/photo/2020/a2384/index.html تم الوصول إليه في 13 مايو 2020.

3. Parekh V.، Lagana TF، et al.، 2020. حالة نادرة من تفاعل FR I مع جسر أشعة سينية ساخن في مجموعة المجرات A2384. MNRAS 491 ، 2605-2616. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stz3067


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